Cory Ryan Music - The Buzz

November 2, 2006, 5:07 pm : Locked on the Food Network

Filed Under: Random Garbage
Yep to all you readers, I had to give up TV.  I have been locked on the food network and if your an addict you know what I mean.   Rachel Ray, and her E.V.O.O or Emeril and his Bam or what is the girl that makes the stuff out of pre packaged goods.  LOVE HER.  Ya ROCKING the KITCHEN, that is me. 
I think I need my own show.  “Stuff you probably already have in your house”  and I will start at my house and try to come up with something using only what I have.  Rice a can of tuna, every condiment known to man then for more shows I will go to other peoples house Surprise.  I am here to make something from mmmmmm brownie mix and hmmmmmm what else do you have, a can of beets. 
Then my next show will be how to borrow or mooch what you need off your neighbor.  Emiral, Rachle Ray, Barefoot Contessa, Naked chef, Eat your heart out.
When you see what I can do wiith an old jar of olives and a can of parmesan cheese . a tomato and a frozen Lenders bagel you will be beggin for a meal.  

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