Cory Ryan Music - The Buzz

November 22, 2006, 12:28 pm : Recent Road Trip to Cleveland and New York City

Filed Under: On the Road
Discussion: C[1]mments

Hey there everyone. Whell whata tour. I hope you were there.  We had a blast. Like every tour.  I live on Red Bull and Coffee and ya watch out because I have also had a knot in my neck for the last 4 days. 

I guess you need water too. It has been a great crick one of the ones that you have to turn at your torso to answer anyone on whichever side.  Ya.  I think this jesture may be the next big trend, everyone will be doing the ….. eyes first followed by the lips. I dont know why but it is just the way it is. 

Chew on that next time you have a crick, its eyes then lips, then the torso turn,  yep. 

Well, we love Cleveland again, playing “Heroes” for the great people who donaited to Rainbow Babies and Children Hospital.  Then hit the road and got into NYC to play The Knitting Factory for the first time. 

I have got to say the best aillafle sandwich is still from the Wynibago right outside of The Cutting Room.   I think it is in the pie district.  Then Yep like usual, we played a secret show at The Barking Spider.  just set up percussion and we played. 

November 9, 2006, 5:17 pm : Being an Independent Artist

Filed Under: On the Road
Discussion: C[0]mments

Hey there everyone.  So now we are back on the road.  Part of being with an independent label means that the artists picks up some slack and wear a few differnet hats.  

So Cory has been playing the booking agent, Manager, Tour Manager and writer. 

After a good drive we are in Cleveland. Ready to play for the Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital fund raising Gala.  This is a phenomenal hospital and a great cause.  Under the direction of Debbie Hermann I have written a song just for this event,  “Hero’s Are Born.”  Keep in contact to hear postings of this song.  We are also taking tons of pictures. 

Then me and the boys are off to NYC to play a real intimate show at the Knitting Factory as well as the Tin Angel in Philly.  Fun stuff.  I think we may do a last minute early show at the folk club “The Barking Spider” in Cleveland too, stay in touch for more details. 

On another Great note.  We had a great meeting with John Gorman whose resume is golden and so big I would not know where to start and John Malm, who managed Trent Reznor aka Nine Inche Nails and Marilyn Manson, as well as a few acts he has now, one of which wrote “Get Yourself a Gun” for the theme of Sopranos. Thanks Johns.  Sorry we had to leave so soon,  but I am looking forward to talking to you again

And as far as the rest of our readers. I am looking forward to seeing you at a show in your town.  Keep in touch. I am loving the comments.  Your the best

November 2, 2006, 5:07 pm : Locked on the Food Network

Filed Under: Random Garbage
Discussion: C[0]mments
Yep to all you readers, I had to give up TV.  I have been locked on the food network and if your an addict you know what I mean.   Rachel Ray, and her E.V.O.O or Emeril and his Bam or what is the girl that makes the stuff out of pre packaged goods.  LOVE HER.  Ya ROCKING the KITCHEN, that is me. 
I think I need my own show.  “Stuff you probably already have in your house”  and I will start at my house and try to come up with something using only what I have.  Rice a can of tuna, every condiment known to man then for more shows I will go to other peoples house Surprise.  I am here to make something from mmmmmm brownie mix and hmmmmmm what else do you have, a can of beets. 
Then my next show will be how to borrow or mooch what you need off your neighbor.  Emiral, Rachle Ray, Barefoot Contessa, Naked chef, Eat your heart out.
When you see what I can do wiith an old jar of olives and a can of parmesan cheese . a tomato and a frozen Lenders bagel you will be beggin for a meal.