Cory Ryan Music - The Buzz

January 10, 2007, 10:11 pm : Best Beer in the World

Filed Under: Uncategorized, Random Garbage
Discussion: C[1]mments

Hello everyone, I was in Kansas city for the hollidays, and well, I am no doctor but I think I found out why Keith Urban fell off the wagon. 

He found what may be the best beer in the world.  Yes of course I am talking about Boulivard Unfiltered Wheat. Not straight up but with a Lemon.  Mmmm. 

So you see, Nichol, it’s not really his fault, I believe he was placed in the situation where someone explained the culinary genius of the fine brewmaster that came up with this extrodinary brew, and well the “just one” mentality took over. 

So hey Nichole, please forgive our friend Keith, put on a Cory Ryan record, like the day you fell in love, and dance eat and fall in love again.

January 9, 2007, 8:21 pm : Your Not the Only One

Filed Under: Random Garbage
Discussion: C[0]mments

Wow! I just got out of the movie, Pursuit of Happiness, there were some lines that really hit home with so many people I have been talking to lately. 

Chris the lead was working a job he hated then an landed an intership to something better. There was a point where he said “back in school I would do great on a test and feel pride happiness knowing all the things I would become and accomplish and now I look into the mirror and realize that I have not become any of what I was capable of.” 

WOW! How many people right now are in a job to pay for things that dont really add to their quality of living.  They just past the time a bit easier.  How many of you have worked your whole life to be one thing, and now find yourself working in a comfort zone that is not so comfortable. 

When is our time? When will we step off the platform and become what we were meant to be? Or are we already there? Am I? Are you? Are you going to stay in the comfort zone, and if so how comfortable is it?

January 3, 2007, 2:46 pm : Looking for My New Muse - Make Contact the Story Behind the Song

Filed Under: Songs
Discussion: C[1]mments

As in every writers life, life gets pretty good, comfortable even and in said times, somtimes material is hard to focus on.

Sometimes when there is nothing to fix there is nothing to disect and thus nothing to write about.  I guess that is how “MaKe Contact” came about.  I was writing to my Muse, my subconscious. 

“Have I been blind, I can not seem to find a single line, no words, no rymes, no nothing comes to mind, I just sit here on my thumbs drawing circles with a dime.” 

So on and so forth, but now I need human interaction.  I want to help people deal with what they are going through.  Ask Dr. Ryan, much like Dr. Phil though I am not licensed but I do love to listen and watch. 

So if you have a problem, if your struggling with something or someone, let me know.  I would love to hear about what is going on with my readers.